I have been working so many hours that I have not had the opportunity to update the blog. It is our busy season at work, commandeering every second of my day. However, I have managed to squeeze in some writing time on the train. Usually I reserve train time for applying makeup and taking a quick nap. Desperate times call for desperate measures. The nap looses.
I have been trying to work into my first book the expanded story of one of my characters, but the story is too long. So guess what? He gets his own book! I have titled it Emmanuel, named after the character. He is an angel who chose to 'fall' with Satan so that he could keep an eye on his activities while terrorizing mankind, especially God's Rose, Lela. Emmanuel is a continuation in the series of novels, spurned by Julian's curiousity regarding his great-great-great grandfather. Intrigued by his name, subliminally remembering their past lives together, Julian asks Lela to tell him Emmanuel's story. She tells him that only Emmanuel can tell his story. Suddenly before Julian's eyes, Emmanuel commandeers his grandmother's body, telling him of not only his life, but their lives together for 200 prior to Julian's current incarnation.
That's kinda it in a nutshell. I have written the story throughout all of the novels. However, I have finally decided to extract the chapters from the other books, giving the story its own space to grow. We will see what becomes of it.
Are Your Future Goals Realistic
3 days ago